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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oct 12 : Midterm

Come in at 7am or earlier to setup.
 You won't have time to setup after 9am
as you will have to take photo/vdo while the other group
is presenting and take note of the discussion for your friends

(see the table below for which group you are responsible for).

Let me know if you have any question or concern.
All the best, m

ROOM 404
time           group          Note/Photo/Vdo by
 7:00 -  9:00  Setup
 9:00 -  9:30  Mint + Champ   Nill + Palm
 9:30 - 10:00  Belle + Chy   
Mint + Krist
10:00 - 10:30  Wawaa + Bow    Belle B + Fai
10:30 - 11:00  Tony + Nill    Belle S + Wawaa
11:00 - 11:30  Belle + Fai    Bow + Tony
11:30 - 12:00  Palm + Krist   Chy + Champ
12:00 - 13:00  Lunch
13:00 - 14:00  Group Discussion
               / Reevaluation

SIGGRAPH Registration

Registration Instruction for Siggraph Asia 2010,

   1. Click , choose Group Registration
   2. Choose “Group Member”
   3. Then input the code given by you at “Conference Code” box
   4. Then input ACM student membership number
       to move to the personal info page, fill in the survey, finish.
   5. You will receive a confirmation letter to your e-mail.
   6. About 1 week before the conference you will all receive
       another confirmation with barcode,
       please print and take them to our venue.

Register for ACM then e-mail me
for Conference Code


INDA will return 1,000 baht from SIGGRAPH registration
get your money from K.Sai in the office

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

actionscript question

Aj Moe,
I have chosen to go with the Array method (once again, flash security is acting up), but I've run into a few difficulties. If you recall on the last presentation, I used Array with my AR to change the x,y position of the cubes randomly. That method, however, produced effect only when I restart flash player. This time, I want it so that the random effect take place every time the marker is detect (so that I do not have to restart flash quite so many time in the presentation) and I'm not sure how to produce that effect!

A bit lengthy but here's my code

import com.transmote.flar.FLARManager;
import com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarker;
import com.transmote.flar.marker.FLARMarkerEvent;
import com.transmote.flar.utils.geom.FLARPVGeomUtils;
import com.transmote.utils.time.FramerateDisplay;

import flash.display.Sprite;

import org.osmf.image.ImageLoader;
import org.osmf.swf.SWFLoader;
import org.papervision3d.materials.BitmapFileMaterial;
import org.papervision3d.materials.MovieMaterial;
import org.papervision3d.objects.DisplayObject3D;
import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Plane;
import org.papervision3d.render.LazyRenderEngine;
import org.papervision3d.scenes.Scene3D;
import org.papervision3d.view.Viewport3D;

[SWF(width='640', height='480', backgroundColor='#000000', frameRate='40')]

public class midtermv2 extends Sprite
private var fm:FLARManager;
private var scene:Scene3D;
private var view:Viewport3D;
private var camera:FLARCamera3D;
private var lre:LazyRenderEngine;
private var p:Plane;
private var con:DisplayObject3D;
private var marker:FLARMarker;

public function midtermv2()


private function initFLAR():void
fm = new FLARManager("flarConfig.xml");
fm.addEventListener(FLARMarkerEvent.MARKER_ADDED, onAdded);
fm.addEventListener(FLARMarkerEvent.MARKER_REMOVED, onRemoved);
fm.addEventListener(Event.INIT, init3D);

private function onAdded(e:FLARMarkerEvent):void
marker = e.marker;
p.visible = true;


private function onRemoved(e:FLARMarkerEvent):void
marker = null;
p.visible = false;


private function init3D(e:Event):void
scene = new Scene3D();
camera = new FLARCamera3D(fm.cameraParams);
camera.z = -30;
view = new Viewport3D(640, 480, true);
lre = new LazyRenderEngine(scene, camera, view);

var val:Array = ["pat.jpg", "pat2.jpg"]

var a:String = (val[int(Math.random() * val.length)]);

var mat:BitmapFileMaterial = new BitmapFileMaterial(a);

p = new Plane(mat, 320, 240);
p.scaleY = -1;
p.rotationZ = -90;
p.visible = false;

con = new DisplayObject3D();

addChild(new FramerateDisplay());

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);

private function loop(e:Event):void
if(marker != null)
con.transform = FLARPVGeomUtils.convertFLARMatrixToPVMatrix(marker.transformMatrix);

The related lines of code is in the italic, and you can see what I did is set up an array, make a string variable call "a" which is equal to random string from the array, and then I parse "a" variable into the BitmapFileMaterial data (so AR will load that jpg)

You can see that they are all in the "init3D" function, and it work OK just like the last AR presentation with the cube. Now, however, I want the var a:String = (val[int(Math.random() * val.length)]); to take place in the "onAdded" function so that when the marker is detected, it select a random string from the array and then parse it to the
BitMapFileMaterial in the init3D function (so that I would get a random image every time marker is detected). I'm not quite sure how, becuase whenever I separate the var a:String = (val[int(Math.random() * val.length)]); and var mat:BitmapFileMaterial = new BitmapFileMaterial(a); into different function, the error comes up and say "a" is an undefined property.

Please help if you have the time, this'd been bugging me since yesterday. If you think its too much of a technical thing right now, I will leave it as is (restart flash every time to see random) and go work on production

PS. could it also be that init3D function needed to be nested inside the onAdded function for it to work. And sorry for being wordy on this post

132.5 by Issey Miyake

very nice

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Your SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 pass is purchased today.
Please register for ACM Student member to complete the registration process:

It's USD $19. Please confirmed once you register in the Google Doc

We got 16 passes, means that there are only 4 people joining us for SIGGRAPH.
Can you let me know who are those 4?


Monday, October 4, 2010


meeting tailor tmr at pahurad
i'm marking the ar tag location for sewing process tmr
hopefully this project would be done on time even the possibilities are less

aj moe do you have any comment on the arrangement of the ar tag ka?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

final pattern for pleating this size is on a4
but will be printed on fabric(2m x 3m) for pleating

Quote changed

I wish to have a real model photographed to put in my A4 too but as I went to the factory early this morning, there is not much progress done yet in terms of assembling ,at the moment the components are still in heavy parts. Plus accidentally found this interesting way to have free movements in the joints of the metal columns, by recycling the old steering wheel joint and modifying it to fit in each segment of the column. (imagine ball joint) by utilizing it i have more than 2 ways of rotation of the previous design of U-joint. From what i talked to you in the studio class on friday of having a Ping-Pong ball inside the 2 pieces, its the same idea, but the Ping-Pong ball is not strong enough to withstand the force and the ball inside has to be metal. My factory can make the metal ball that can fit into my design as what ever measurement thus it is very-time consuming,so it was kinda lucky that i found the old steeringwheel, otherwise the design might have to change back to the previous one. The u-joint allows users to interact in only 2-Dimension while the ball joint in 3-Dimension, and this is what we want.


Ball joint

Japon by France Goneau

ceramic sculpture by Canadian ceramicist, France Goneau

A4 Progress

Tony + Nill : Fix the quote, then email the PDF
Mint + Champ : Add quote and fix layout if needed, then email the PDF
Belle + Fai : Fix layout if needed, then email the PDF
Bow + Wawaa : Finish the proposal, then email the PDF

Krist + Palm : done
Belle + Chy : done